Kelly Sarri, an award-winning LA-based filmmaker originally from Greece, possesses a rare gift for storytelling that transcends boundaries and leaves a lasting impact. She is primarily recognized for her groundbreaking web series, Gynarchy, which garnered prestigious accolades as a Webby Honoree in 2023 and a Bronze Telly Winner in the same year. Notably, Gynarchy's groundbreaking success as the first TikTok and Instagram fictional series further underscores Kelly's visionary ethos and willingness to take risks as an artist.
A key focus in Kelly's work is her unwavering commitment to creating narratives that reflect the complexity and diversity of our society. She is deeply passionate about challenging gender norms, promoting climate advocacy, and exploring cultural intersections through her storytelling. Kelly's directing style is characterized by its profound empathy, fostering an environment that prioritizes humanity and the well-being of her collaborators. Moreover, she endeavors to uphold environmental responsibility on her sets, ensuring that the creative process respects our planet—an ethos that aligns seamlessly with her artistic goals, both in front of and behind the camera.
In addition to her groundbreaking web series, Kelly has also made significant contributions to the industry through her work on music videos, and directing visuals for renowned artists such as Kyla Imani and Georgia Water. Her scripted and unscripted projects have garnered recognition at esteemed film festivals such as the Top Indie Film Awards, Impact Doc Awards, and London Independent Film Awards.
Furthermore, Kelly possesses extensive expertise in post-production, having served as the lead editor/motion graphics editor for popular DC Kids YouTube series like DC Super Hero Girls and Building with Batman. Her editing prowess has been showcased in multiple music videos for artists like Rico Nasty, Ellise, Mothica, Romy, and Kyla Imani. She has also contributed her editing skills to various projects with organizations such as WalkGood Productions and edited Sheryl Lee Ralph's DIVA Awards show 2021 aired on KTLA.
With almost a decade of industry experience, Kelly exemplifies professionalism, creating an inclusive work environment that empowers women and underrepresented individuals in the film, TV, and media industries. Her visionary ethos and willingness to take risks in storytelling make her a trailblazer in the industry, setting new standards for innovation and inclusivity.